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Class com.gContactSync.StringBundle

Defined in: StringBundle.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Contains all of the string bundles included in gContactSync and provides a method (getStr) to find a string by looking in every bundle.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Stores all string bundle elements
Stores whether this class has been initialized
Stores whether the user agent should be replaced in strings
The user agent (Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, or Postbox).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Searches every string bundle until a string is found with the given name.
Initializes the string bundle.
Class Detail
Contains all of the string bundles included in gContactSync and provides a method (getStr) to find a string by looking in every bundle. NOTE: This requires that string bundles have unique names for strings. NOTE: Must be initialized when the window is loaded.
Field Detail
<static> com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mBundles
Stores all string bundle elements

<static> com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mInitialized
Stores whether this class has been initialized

<static> com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mReplaceUserAgent
Stores whether the user agent should be replaced in strings

<static> com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mUserAgent
The user agent (Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, or Postbox).
Method Detail
<static> {string} com.gContactSync.StringBundle.getStr(aName)
Searches every string bundle until a string is found with the given name. If com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mReplaceUserAgent is set to true, this will replace all instances of "Thunderbird" with the string in com.gContactSync.StringBundle.mUserAgent.
{string} The name of the string to search for.
{string} The translated string.

<static> com.gContactSync.StringBundle.init()
Initializes the string bundle.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Fri May 06 2011 09:24:18 GMT-0400 (EDT)