Progress Update

L10n (Localization) Support I finished adding support for localization to the extension.  It previously used l10n for the XUL files, but I just finished localizing strings in the scripts.  If you or somebody you know would like to help translate this extension please let me know. Contact Conversion Rewrite I Read more…

Extension Update

Name of the extension I haven’t figured out a name for the extension yet. I initially named it gcontacts, but that name already exists for several programs. gcontactsync is a potential name. Any suggestions are welcome. SAXParseException While syncing some newly-created cards, I encountered the following error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The entity Read more…

Offline Support Finished

Well, I finally finished adding offline support, so it will should work well offline.  It just sets text in the status bar to let the user know the sync cannot be completed while offline.  Once the user is back online it works like normal.  Any changes made while offline are Read more…

May 27, 2008

I was attempting to change my sync process today when I opened the Address Book and was greeted with 925 new Address Books.  In the end, cleaning obj directory and rebuilding fixed the problem.  Strange, but at least my extension wasn’t the direct cause of the problem. I found and Read more…

An overview of my extension

The extension that I am working on for GSoC synchronizes an Address Book in Mozilla Thunderbird with Google Contacts. This is going to be a quick overview of how it works so far. This post assumes some basic knowledge of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Thunderbird, and programming. Basically, my Read more…